Totally Hip Book Review

I’ve been trying to avoid super extra shameless self-promotion by posting new reviews on the reviews page, instead of the main page, but I am making an exception for Ron Charles’  Washington Post review, because a) there’s a snazzy video involved (Alas, I am not snazzy enough to figure out how to embed it, but […]

DC Reading and other Fanciness

I’ll be reading Friday, September 24th at the Barnes and Noble, Bethesda Row (right off the red line, near the Bethesda Metro). It’s my first post-book release reading, and my first hometown reading, so I’m looking forward to seeing my friends and family, who will hopefully still be speaking to me once they’ve actually read […]


Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self will be officially released in 20 days! I just got my advanced copies of the hardcover, which as Circe is helping demonstrate in the photo above, looks really lovely.